Delurking to ask--where do you start?
I was kinda' shocked at his reponse to my obesity. I went to him because I have been waking up a lot at night, and gagging in my sleep.....I am pretty sure it is sleep apnea, so I requested a test. He wanted me to try and lose weight first before the sleep study, and I told him that wasn't acceptable for me, I want the study now.
In my heart, I know that it is time to move on. I am a Christian, but to think that prayer alone is going to solve obesity is naive.
So, I am going to call my insurance today or tomorrow and go from there.
Again, thanks for the support, it really means a lot.
I have severe Sleep Apnea. My sleep study showed that my brain was waking up twice a minute. My doctor is pretty sure I may have sustained mild brain damage due to the lack of oxygen my brain was getting (memory problems at 32 yrs old). I simply cannot believe your doctor would tell you to lose weight before getting a sleep study. Get rid of that doctor! He has issues. Find a doctor who is willing to look into getting you help now! Sleep Apnea is nothing to play around with! Believe me! If I could do it again, I would have gotten a sleep study sooner than I did.
I love my CPAP machine because I sleep so much better! I don't wake up tired anymore. If you think you have Sleep Apnea, get the study done! @^&% the doctor!
Good Luck!
Hi again, Amie!
All these folks have given you awesome info! As I re-read my response I was concerned I sounded terse - I didn't mean to, honest! I was trying to let you know that the first place to go is into yourself, and figure out if you believe that diet and exercise will work for you or not. There are people for whom non-surgical options work. But there are many, many, more for whom surgery is the way to go. While I am big time in support of surgery, I didn't want my bias to influence you.
That said, I'd call my ins co first thing. When you call, go thru whatever voicemail commands you have to in order to get a live person. Then make them your advocate. The attitude I used was that I was asking for that person's help to get me healthy. Many of the ins co reps get yelled at more than appreciated and so asking for their help is a huge point in your favor. Ask them what their policies are on wieght loss surgery, etc. If you get someone that doesn't seem to be supportive, get off the line nicely, and then call again and get someone else. Keep trying to you get someone who is in your corner. For me, and for many others on these boards, having that insider with you is a big plus!
Please post any questions you have even if you think they're goofy! We have all been there, honest! And keep us posted on your journey!
BTW - while my gp was supportive, I also had my pulmonologist supporting me. You might want to mention the sleep issues to your ins rep as well, they may recommend a doc for this that would help!
Good luck!
I can just echo the rest of the group here that you should contact your insurance company. I found out I didn't actually need a recommendation from my GP. It's helpful if they are on board, but if they aren't - I would switch doctors. I don't know what insurance you have, but you would qualify under my insurance at your current BMI and with no co-morbidities.
As a fellow Christian I can appreciate your doctors guidance to seek the Lord in this issue, but I think it is ignorant (at best) to tell someone who falls into the morbidly obese to treat your body like the temple it is and to pray for guidance on what to eat. The Lord works in MANY WAYS and through many people. This is obviously an issue for you and you don't need to be told that you're not treating your body like a temple - you know - and you're doing something about it. A Christian Doctor should know that. Sorry - that kinda got my ire.
Also, where are you located? You could get some great recommendations for doctors on this board.
PamelaDV Join me on my journey
Highest / Surgery / Current / Goal
288 / 280 / 145 / 150
Ditto on everything said here.
I had to switch my GP for the same reason. He said I wasn't big enough (his words) I said look at my weight. Anyway he was against it. So I found another doctor and he said GOOD!!!! and is totally for it.
I wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide. It is not an easy decision.